direforpythia is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham


The DIRE installation should be fairly straight forward if you already have a PYTHIA8. installation. DIRE is compatible with PYTHIA8 version 8212 and higher (DIRE 2.000 requires PYTHA 8.226 or higher). Let's assume you already have a running PYTHIA8 installation that is linked against LHAPDF6 and HEPMC2 (some tools to set up such an installation can be found below). Then, follow these steps to get going:
  1. Download DIRE by e.g. using wget http://www.hepforge.org/archive/direforpythia/DIRE-2.000.tar.gz or selecting the download in the left-hand menu and storing the file.
  2. Untar the DIRE tarball in the PYTHIA examples directory of your PYTHIA installation directory (e.g. /my/pythia/dir/share/Pythia8/examples/) e.g. by executing tar xvfz DIRE-2.000.tar.gz
  3. cd into the DIRE/main directory
  4. Run make dire00 or make dire01 to compile the DIRE main program and DIRE. Note that some default main programs link against LHAPDF6 and possibly HEPMC2 (ProMC), which means PYTHIA has to be configured to support this.
  5. Run with ./dire00 or ./dire05 myinput.cmnd where myinput.cmnd is an appropriate input file (examples are given by dis.cmnd, lhc.cmnd and lep.cmnd). To produce HEPMC2 outout, you can try running with with ./dire01 myinput.cmnd myoutput.hepmc where myoutput.hepmc is the output file.

Please note that the following instructions have only been tested for versions 1.500 and smaller. Detailed updates (if needed) for DIRE version 2.000 and higher will be added shortly.

As event generator outputs can take up a lot of disk space, it is often useful to analyse the outputs on-the-fly. Here is a script that allows you to run PYTHIA8+DIRE and RIVET simultaneously, so that you can directly compare against experimental data.

The plugin requires an installation of PYTHIA8. Some Linux tools to help you with your PYTHIA8 installation care found below.

installHEPTOOLS.sh is a master installation script to install zlib, BOOST, LHAPDF6, HEPMC2, PYTHIA8 and DIRE It downloads and uses all scripts below. So just download this script, make it executable, and run. (Note: Works only on Linux)

installZLIB.sh is an installation script to install zlib, as a helper for installHEPTOOLS.sh.

installBOOST.sh is an installation script to install BOOST, as a helper for installHEPTOOLS.sh.

installLHAPDF6.sh is an installation script to install LHAPDF6 and link against BOOST, as a helper for installHEPTOOLS.sh.

installHEPMC2.sh is an installation script to install HEPMC2, as a helper for installHEPTOOLS.sh.

installPYTHIA8.sh is an installation script to install PYTHIA8 and link against LHAPDF6, HEPMC2, BOOST and zlib. The latter is only needed if you want PYTHIA8 to read gzipped input files.

installDIRE.sh is an installation script to install DIRE in a PYTHIA8 distribution - basically following the steps outlined above.