direforpythia is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham

Welcome to the DIRE parton shower


Thanks for your interest in DIRE (short for dipole resummation), a C++ program for all-order radiative corrections to scattering processes in high-energy particle collisions. DIRE is available as plugin to the PYTHIA8 General Purpose Monte Carlo Event Generator. If you have stumbled onto this page by accident, here are pictures of puppies. The new web page for the DIRE parton shower plugin for the PYTHIA 8 event generator is


Please visit this webpage for up-to-date information, documentation and downloads.

Authors and Contact

DIRE has been developed by Stefan Höche and Stefan Prestel. For questions about the PYTHIA8 plugin code, please contact direforpythia*AT*projects*DOT*hepforge*DOT*org